Hellooo all! I am a mostly well-rounded game developer and I enjoy working on solo projects in my own time. I am a programmer, composer and sound designer. (graphics?...what the hell are graphics?)

Age 29, Male

Game Developer


Joined on 4/19/11

Exp Points:
634 / 710
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
5.03 votes
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Raymoclaus's News

Posted by Raymoclaus - November 4th, 2017

Hello there!

I have begun uploading the soundtrack to a title I worked on about 6 months ago called Purrfect Catch. I'm happy with how it turned out because I didn't think I could write anything interesting for a game targeted at young children but I managed to pop out a thing or two that is enjoyable to listen to. Purrfect Catch is free to play for Android/iOS so feel free to give it a go.

In recent news, I have also just finished working on a soundtrack for the game Half Past Disaster; now available on Steam for 10 USD. I can't upload the soundtrack to that yet but I will probably get around to it at some point once I'm allowed to. In the meantime, it would please me greatly to hear about your experiences of the game for those of you that pick it up. It supports me and all of us who worked hard on it.

In even more recent news, I have attained some more permanent work as a Game Designer. It's just part time for now which works out great because it keeps me alive and it allows me to continue working on my own projects in my spare time, which is what I really care about. I'm working on a 2D space exploration game very loosely based on the Lost Cluster title I made for a game jam a few months ago. I may post updates on that depending on how it progresses.

Thanks for reading!

Posted by Raymoclaus - August 23rd, 2017


So these are my results for the Ludum Dare 39 Compo. This was my first ever game jam and I'm super happy with those results considering there were 2351 submissions. I'm glad I decided to focus on just a few categories rather than try to tackle it all at once. The game is Lost Cluster and it's available here on Newgrounds. Sure it's kinda basic gameplay but it was intended be a "try-it-once-and-never-again" experience, and there's only so much you can do in under 48 hours.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaymocIaus
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCht4z0vItGAhORWfpd4BCWQ?ab_channel=Raymoclaus

Posted by Raymoclaus - July 31st, 2017

So long time no see...sort of. I may not have been active but I have been routinely checking in on this account every few months since I was last active. In short, what I was doing when I was last here was finishing off my last couple of years of high school, but then after that I had a 3.5 year university course. I finished about a month ago now so I'm finally free to truly do as I please. Even during all those years I have still been writing music and even taking part in the development of games as part of my Bsc in Game Development, but nothing I would be allowed to submit without acquiring permissions.

With my newfound freedom I have just finished my solo 48 hour submission to the 39th Ludum Dare Game Jam. Since that was my very first game jam, I had no idea what to expect. In fact, I expected to just overscope and run out of time like I usually do with projects. Quite the opposite happened actually. I kept my scope so focused and made a simple yet extremely effective and relaxing piece of work with at least 10 of those 48 hours to spare. I'm proud to say I own every asset that went into it; including the art which is my major weakpoint as an all-rounded game developer. I have been able to submit both the game and the song here on Newgrounds so check those out if you're interested; I put a lot of effort into creating a mood that can put you at peace.

At the moment, I also work in a proper team at a Sydney, Australia-based company called GoldenAge Creative. We released our first game Purrfect Catch available on Android and IOS downloadable for free. It is rather unique but in my personal opinion it still leaves a bit to be desired for most of us as it was intended for a very young audience. I am responsible for the soundtrack and I'm pretty proud of the quality and effort I put into making it cute and appropriate for the target audience. I will likely not be able to submit any of those songs here on Newgrounds unfortunately so if you're curious you will have to download the game yourself. Simultaneously, I have been working on another project with the same team as we learn from our mistakes to make an interesting puzzle platformer but I will leave out any details for now.

As for the future, I'm not sure how active I'll be here, but even if that ends up being not very often I will always have this place in the back of my mind. I've never completely forgotten about this place and even when I'm not here I will still be having fun with game development projects and writing music. But for now, I'm going to stick around for a while.

Posted by Raymoclaus - December 27th, 2012

So this year has been a bit slow, the flash movie I mentioned ages ago was not really even started and 1 of those songs I promised was not even delivered and I am sorry for that. The quiet and peaceful song was started and has about 1 minute to it but it has been unfinished for quite a while now. For 2013 I am taking matters into my own hands and will definitely be making a game myself which will contain my music. Whether the game gets released or not doesn't matter, the music will definitely be finished some time this year, you can count on that. I don't program in Flash so it won't get put on newgrounds anyway.

On a side note I am so glad about the outcome of my song "Conqueror" which brought more attention than all of my other songs combined and even getting to the top of the videogame charts. It appears that those epic videogame pieces are what I'm good at and what people enjoy from me so I will focus on those. For the rest of 2012 I just made a few random electronic pieces which came back with mixed feedback. Some positive, some negative/constructive, a problem I find annoying though is when people say there is something wrong but won't actually identify the problem or where the problem is, let alone any advice on what could be fixed. I appreciate constructive feedback but only when it is done properly, otherwise you just look like a douche with nothing useful to say.

As always, I hope everyone enjoys my music, and f*** off to zero-voters.

Posted by Raymoclaus - January 31st, 2012

So anyway 135SlayerX - Flash animator - has reappeared, unfortuneately recovering from a huge computer-destroying virus, but is back now and plans to collab with me and make a sprite movie. the whole storyline is mine, I will be the music artist and partial sprite designer. You will not see the whole story since it is big enough for a whole 2-hour movie so we're thinking of doing it in episodes starting with the intro and then considering on doing the rest if the first goes well and people want to see moar. Over the holidays I have managed to do half of a main theme and half of a village theme, both sounding pretty good so far. I will probably end up doing a forest theme too so you should be expecting at least 3 moar quality, hard-worked songs that i've spent quite a while on. Progress on the movie itself has been slowed significantly due to the fact that school is back on and finding time is difficult. Im not sure how long it will take, it may take till the end of this year or it may not get done at all (hopefully it will!)

Last note: the songs will be orchestral not electronic. The main theme being huge and action-pumped while the other two will feel slow, peaceful and very calming. If the movie does not get finished I do however intend to finish the songs so do not fear. Both of us look forward to the movie's completion and hope everyone else does too.

Posted by Raymoclaus - October 30th, 2011

Its been quite a while since my last post, around the time of my last post I started an account on Soundcloud to see which website gives me more listens. because listens is more important when you have an extremely biased score rating here on newgrounds.
On my last post 3 months ago I said that I had accumulated around 2000 views, my newgrounds account is now 6 months old and it has 4.5k listens in total on my submissions so that means in 3 months I collected 2500 views. However on souncloud in 3 months I have only collected 200 views, so my conclusion t this says that Soundcloud is only useful if you're really lucky or you happen to be fairly well known already.

Aside from the shitty voting system that Newgrounds uses, I have to say that the general community is pretty good and active. The rate that I collect views is constantly rising and will continue to rise as long as I continue to upload increasing quality tracks. I find that the more I compose the better I get at it, i also find that I have opened up to more genres.

last post I also mentioned that a guy named 135SlayerX was going to use one of my songs in his upcoming flash movie, but he seems to have disappeared completely, so that is not happening anymore. In case anyone else wants to use my songs then they would be free to do so with my permission, probably best to PM me because sometimes I miss reviews because I don't get notified.

Thanks to my very few supporters, funnily enough I have more people following me on Soundcloud than people favourite me as an audio artist on Newgrounds. To be exact, 9 people or so follow me on Soundcloud while only 2 have favourited me on Newgrounds.

Posted by Raymoclaus - July 12th, 2011

Yes, I have accumulated 2000+ listens overall on my songs. compared to some of the top artists this may seem like nothing but that doesn't matter, BUT!!!!...I see that I have the same batting average as all my favourite artists which is 4.19 (this is considered A+).

My next milestone is 5000 listens. This shouldn't be too hard to make, I got my first offer to use a song of mine in a Flash movie...well more of a suggestion...but if my song does get used, and the Flash movie is successful then I should be able to have more exposure.

All the best to 135slayerX for his Flash movie, check his profile to see what it is about. And thanks to everyone who managed to find my songs and like them...(F* you to all the zerovoters who found me, I hope you die in a fire!)

Posted by Raymoclaus - June 3rd, 2011

Hey peoples, 2 new songs are out, Randomocitic which is my attempt at something like Dimrain47 which ofcourse is still a long way to go but I believe I'm on the right track. Also Fight To Win, my second battle theme but my first battle theme made with FL Studio.

If you don't know I also have a youtube channel where I upload my songs to but I'm also considering uploading videos of me playing songs on piano. I generally like playing video game music and nice piano solos like To Zanarkand or Dear You. I have only been playing for one and a half years so don't expect songs that require a third hand, but I will never upload a video with mistakes in the song. I hope you will enjoy those

If I get enough positive feedback about this I will definitely consider posting these videos. The link to my channel is in my description but I'm not uploading piano solos unless I get enough positive feedback.

Posted by Raymoclaus - May 20th, 2011

My new song Running from Life is finished, it is a song with a story which can be read at the actual song description on Newgrounds. On a separate note, I was getting kinda sad at the fact that my songs were such low scores, but I have just learned about the existence of zerobombers and their mission in life is to screw up other lives. No it's probably not that dramatic but at least I now know that my songs are low on score only because of some assholes and not an actual honest audience.

Now my primary objective is to get noticed, having less than 50 listens just doesn't cut it for me. Oh yeah and once I get a bunch more people to listen to my stuff, I plan on remaking my first 10 songs or so, because MIDI aren't as wonderful as the songs I'm making now with FLS.

Posted by Raymoclaus - May 10th, 2011

My 15th song is finished, it's called "EDIT: video no longer" and is my first attempt at a song with vocals, Hope you enjoy it!:D