Hellooo all! I am a mostly well-rounded game developer and I enjoy working on solo projects in my own time. I am a programmer, composer and sound designer. (graphics?...what the hell are graphics?)

Age 29, Male

Game Developer


Joined on 4/19/11

Exp Points:
634 / 710
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
5.03 votes
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Latest News


Hello there!

I have begun uploading the soundtrack to a title I worked on about 6 months ago called Purrfect Catch. I'm happy with how it turned out because I didn't think I could write anything interesting for a game targeted at young children but I managed to pop out a thing or two that is enjoyable to listen to. Purrfect Catch is free to play for Android/iOS so feel free to give it a go.

In recent news, I have also just finished working on a soundtrack for the game Half Past Disaster; now available on Steam for 10 USD. I can't upload the soundtrack to that yet but I will probably get around to it at some point once I'm allowed to. In the meantime, it would please me greatly to hear about your experiences of the game for those of you that pick it up. It supports me and all of us who worked hard on it.

In even more recent news, I have attained some more permanent work as a Game Designer. It's just part time for now which works out great because it keeps me alive and it allows me to continue working on my own projects in my spare time, which is what I really care about. I'm working on a 2D space exploration game very loosely based on the Lost Cluster title I made for a game jam a few months ago. I may post updates on that depending on how it progresses.

Thanks for reading!

Recent Game Medals

1,420 Points

Counter Bomb 5 Points

Use a bomb right after getting hit, and avoid the damage. Harder with less bombs and more health!

Forest Clear 25 Points

Tear down the bushy fortress and complete world 1.

1M Points 10 Points

Score a mediocre 1,000,000 points or more in any level.

Easily Distracted 10 Points

Squish 100 slimes on the starting screen.

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Drunk Driver 10 Points

Blow up a jeep

Strong Armed 10 Points

Get punched by a banana

New Skill Found 5 Points

Find a new special skill. You can find them in chests or get them from quests.

New Skill Learnt 5 Points

Learn the first of many new skills.

Limits Were Broken 5 Points

Use an awesome limit break for the first time.